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I’m not the kind of person to only have one New Years’ Resolution.  For me not to have a list of 50 is an accomplishment in and of itself.  So I’m going to try to stick to 10 things that I want to change in the next year to keep this post short-ish.  I am trying to keep these pretty simple and reasonable because I know how New Years Resolutions normally go.

#1 Realize that “crazy busy” isn’t how it should be. 

My default answer to “How are you” for the past year seems to have been “crazy busy,” “busy,” or “crazy.”  We’re in a culture where we constantly have to be busy.  But in 2017, I don’t want to be.  I want to be able to breathe.  I want to be able to be engaged in the conversations I’m having rather than thinking about what I’m doing next or what else I have on my plate.

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#2 Help someone everyday. 

I’m not sure what this one is going to look like yet and I’m sure most of the time it’s going to be super simple.  But the focus here is taking my focus off of myself and expressing God’s love to someone else.

#3 Spend less time on social media. 

I was doing pretty well in this for a while, but it’s really hard not to go on social media when you have a blog.  Or at least that’s a really good excuse (umm…..). So without entirely getting rid of social media because that would be pretty much impossible, I’m going to try to avoid it other than for blogging purposes.  Wish me luck with this one. 🙂

#4 Eat Healthy and Exercise Regularly

I know this is a pretty standard one, but it kinda had to be included because I’m starting to exercise again and starting a meal plan Monday.

#5 Make it to the Dog Park More

My pupper deserves to get there more than he does; simple but important.

#6 Write More. 

I know that I need to work on my writing as well as be more consistent with updating the blog.  So in following God’s calling, this one’s pretty important.


#7 Drink less coffee. 

Coffee’s bad for my moods and for my anxiety level.  Yet for some silly reason I still continue to drink ridiculous amounts of it.

#8 Read More/Watch Less TV

In becoming a better writer, I’m a firm believer in reading to do so.  Also, I binge watched Gilmore Girls as I finished up this past semester, probably to avoid the stress of thinking about the actual classes, but I’m not going to do that again.

#9 Stay Organized for School 

My system of organization fell apart this past semester.  Imagine a row of dominos perfectly lined up knocking each other over.  Yeah that’s how quickly it fell apart.  I had primarily been using Google Calendars to stay on top of assignments and what I had going on.  As soon as my to-do list became too large to put in Google Calendars, it was overwhelming and at that point in the semester I didn’t have time to look for another way to organize.  So the plan for this semester: always have a back-up plan!

#10 Pray More, Worry Less

My main resolution, which is why I saved it for last, is to spend more time in prayer:

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 NIV

I could spend my time being worried and anxious about the future, but I’m going to choose to look to God before I concern myself with those things.  Why? Because God held my past and he holds my present and future.  If I know that the God who created the universe holds my present and my future, why should I worry?



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About Author

22 year old Liberty University student, Majoring in Biblical Studies, minoring in Sport Outreach. Epilepsy Awareness. Married to Jonathan, Momma to Evelyn Two amazing dogs.

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