
Our verse of the week this week is Psalm 118:24.

“This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.”  (NLT)

I’ve feel like I’ve been running around like crazy lately.  I just can’t seem to function without my head spinning.

So..this psalm speaks of Israelite victory over their enemies.  Of course they were praising God.  That’s what Psalm 118 is about.  Let’s look at other some key verses:

Psalm 118:10-11says “Though hostile nations surrounded me, I destroyed them all with the authority of the LORD. Yes, they surrounded and attacked me, but I destroyed them all with the authority of the LORD” (NLT)

Although I’ve never had any literal enemies surrounding me personally, I have walked through some difficult times.  I was having some very unexpected and definitely unwanted side effects from epilepsy medicine changes just a few months ago and I ended up coming closer to God through that.

Even though we all have our own “hostile nations,” we can know that

“This is the day the LORD has made” Ps 118:24a NLT

He has control of every day that every was and ever will be.  Rest in that thought; then respond with action as a result;

“we will rejoice and be glad in it” Psalm 118:24b NLT

However, often as soon as this cycle occurs, it seems we end up back in the same place, which the psalmist displays quite clearly by including verse 25:

“Please, LORD, please save us.  Please, LORD, please give us success.” (NLT)

Even in this ‘victory’ the Israelites still needed God and they knew it.  We seem cling to God at our lowest, but let Go when we’re at our highest, because we don’t think we need Him anymore.  We’d be bold enough to think sometimes, I just want to do this myself, wouldn’t we?  That’s when we fall flat on our faces.

We need God all day, every day.  Whether we’re on a mountaintop or in a valley.

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About Author

22 year old Liberty University student, Majoring in Biblical Studies, minoring in Sport Outreach. Epilepsy Awareness. Married to Jonathan, Momma to Evelyn Two amazing dogs.

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